Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Hump Day!

I'm afraid my life this week has been dedicated to cleaning Humber Lodge, nothing else!  Tomorrow the company that manages the house for the owners, is coming by for a routine inspection.  Not sure what they are going to inspect but they won't be finding any dirt.  Maybe they don't want a repeat of the tenants that were here before us.  They obviously never cleaned and Larry said it was a good thing that I did not come to look at the house before we signed the lease.

And the winner goes to

the dining room for being the worst room to dust

It's probably a good thing that I haven't been able to go out and about this week.  The temperatures have struggled to get in the low 40s (still no snow YAY!) and it's been gray and wet.

I do like the fact that the grass is green all year round.  I think the gray skies and brown grass would be too depressing!  One thing that will ALWAYS put a smile on my face:  

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